U.S. Embassy to Host Bootcamp for Southeast Asian Content Creators

The U.S. Embassy to the Philippines and Out of The Box Media Literacy Initiative open applications for the “Creators Co-Lab: YSEALI Bootcamp for Digital Creators,” a media literacy and digital content creation workshop for emerging creatives in Southeast Asia.

Manila—The U.S. Embassy in the Philippines, in partnership with Out of The Box Media Literacy Initiative, invites emerging digital content creators in Southeast Asia to participate in a Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) media literacy and content creation workshop from April to June.
The “Creators Co-Lab: YSEALI Bootcamp for Digital Creators” is designed to equip young content creators with the essential skills and knowledge to thrive in today’s dynamic media environment.
Interested participants are invited to submit their applications by January 31 through the following link: https://bit.ly/creatorsco-lab.
Through virtual sessions on April 5 and 6, followed by an in-person workshop in Manila from May 28 to June 1, experts in media, technology, and the academe will train participants on using their platforms to promote media and information literacy, creating engaging online content, and tapping the latest tools in brand development, audience engagement, and analytics.
During this program, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas on pressing issues such as disinformation, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, and collaborate with fellow emerging content creators from across Southeast Asia to foster regional cooperation and innovation.
The “Creators Co-Lab: YSEALI Bootcamp for Digital Creators” is open to citizens of ASEAN member-countries and Timor-Leste, aged between 18 and 35 years old. Applicants should have at least 1,000 followers on any social media platform and should have been actively creating online content for the past three months.
After the bootcamp, participants will be eligible to apply for grants amounting to Php224,000 ($4,000) and mentoring support to implement new digital content projects. Participants will also become a member of the U.S. international exchange alumni network that will open them to unique opportunities, including grants and networking.
YSEALI is a U.S. government program that strengthens leadership development and networking in Southeast Asia. Since its launch in 2013, YSEALI has been developing the capabilities of Southeast Asian youth to promote civic engagement, environmental and natural resource management, education, economic development, and good governance through a variety of programs, including U.S. educational and cultural exchanges, regional exchanges, and seed funding. 
For more information about YSEALI, visit https://yseali.state.gov. 

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